Very cool chapter with the girls’ discussion of how to make mincemeat of men!

I just remembered an absolutely fantastic and well-written book that I read in 1995 by René Grousset called “Empires of the Steps”. I think the scholarship has progressed since he wrote that book, but it was a rip-roaring good read and Grousset was one of the revered figures at IU’s Central Asian Studies department when I was there.

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Whoa. Great chapter. There are a lot of quotable lines within this one regarding the natures of men and women. I love the outward strength of Anaita (is that her name?), especially being privy to her internalized doubt and the physical pains she’s enduring while keeping up with these wild, seasoned warriors. I really liked how you introduced a raid and Ana’s knowledge of how to kill a man without actually showing either of those things just yet. It’s a peek behind the curtain, a tease of the brutality of what’s to come. I love this story so far!

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