I love your writing style. You’re able to weave in the history of the world and the setting while also advancing plot and character. It’s very impressive. I’m going to savor this story. Looking forward to chapter 2.

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Well, I’m hooked. Only one brief chapter and you got me. Seriously can’t wait to keep reading!

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Looking forward to reading the rest. Flows well. Nice to find another author with an appreciation for the steppe peoples. I like to think of them as our cultural ancestors, as much or more so than the Greeks or Romans.

I'm currently finishing up my modern pulp fantasy novel, in which the Scythians (a more fantastical and less historical version) play a central role. The chapter in which they are introduced is currently up on my substack, as a sneak peek, if you're interested.

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Greetings J.M. I like the idea of serialized publications and will read yours with interest. The cover is great, and the epigraph and Herodotus myth drew me in...

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